Saturday, June 9, 2012


Summer has begun. Wonderfully. Lazily. I hope it stays this way. In my two days so far I have enjoyed a bike ride, the swimming pool, two naps, a movie, and a new book from the library. Cooking has been the only thorn in my side. We're down to the cupboard basics which you always buy in hopes you'll never have to use them. I haven't been grocery shopping because of finals, and now that it's summer I just don't want to be bothered with such menial tasks. So I made tuna casserole the other night because Jamey wasn't home and he doesn't like it and it's not my fav but I could stomach it. Unfortunately for him, he surprised me and came home right when I'd stuck it in the oven. I felt so guilty feeding it to him for supper!! He said he didn't mind. Good man. I am not so good to humor him though. I went to the Temple this morning and on my drive home he texted and asked if I'd like him to fix some lunch. That was easy. But when I came home he had made Ramen, and put a boiled egg in it. Tuna casserole was my childhood standby which he dutifully ate, Ramen and egg was apparently his, which was incredibly hard for me to stomach! I think I made him feel bad, but then we laughed. Again, good man. But I still don't want to go to the grocery store. If Ramen and egg isn't a good enough motivator I'm not sure I care to analyze the depths of my summer-induced slothness.

1 comment:

Laura Day said...

Hahahahaha, I love you! Confession: When I read that you made Tuna Casserole I actually want to make some:) I will probably regret it later but hey I liked it as a kid.